简介:暑假来临,大学新生刘易斯·托马斯(保罗·沃克尔 Paul Walker 饰)决定穿州过省,前往新泽西去看望他自高中时代便喜欢的女孩维娜·威尔柯斯(Leelee Sobieski 饰)。为了打发旅途上的无聊时光,他将正因酒后驾车蹲局子的老哥富勒(史蒂夫·赞恩 Steve Zahn 饰)保释出来,兄弟俩
简介:盖布拉瑞(克里斯蒂娜·米利安 Christina Milian 饰)刚刚结束了一段失败的恋情,成为了被甩的哪一方,祸不单行的是,她在旧金山的设计公司也因为经营不善而关门大吉了。事业和爱情受到双重打击的盖布拉瑞只能够依靠酒精来排遣内心的郁闷。
简介:Somewhere in Berlin. But not just any time, this is here and now. A postman delivers a parcel and, soon afterwards, everything changes. A terrorist at
简介:Danny Bishop is a gambling prodigy. After exiling himself to prison, he returns to his brothers home only to find himself back in the game because of
简介:Anneke Sluiters and Khadija El Kharraz Alami star as lovers living together on a remote island but who are forced to remain physically apart after one