简介:After Carlos, an impoverished teen from a fractured home, receives a desperate note from Sarah, a pen pal he lost touch with a year ago, he uses her l
简介:Desperate for success and quickly loosing grip, a pair of metal musicians lure a young woman to a secluded mansion in hopes of inspiring their next al
简介:史蒂夫?拉塞尔(金?凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)是个付费收养来的孩子,他为了查出自己的亲生父母,做了一名警察,然而当他来到母亲的家门前,得到的却是闭门羹……幸好史蒂夫还有一个幸福的家庭,他与妻子育有一女,这对虔诚的夫妻每日祷告……然而这些都只是表象,事实上,史蒂夫是一名同性恋,他用无尽的谎言欺骗