简介:故事发生在二次世界大战期间,沃尔特(盖瑞·马歇尔 Garry Marshall 饰)是曾经风靡一时的棒球明星,如今,早已屈居二线的他决定组建一支史无前例的女子棒球队。他看重了漂亮高大的多利(吉娜·戴维斯 Geena Davis 饰),多利的妹妹基特(罗莉·佩蒂 Lori Petty 饰)也跟随着姐姐
简介:In 2050, Earth has become a dry and desolate place. Fighter pilot Nova is forced to travel back in time to prevent a devastating environmental disaste
简介:在巴布亚新几内亚某地一个人迹罕见的原始丛林腹地,有一个号称洞穴之母的巨洞——伊萨·阿拉。腰缠万贯的探险家卡尔(Ioan Gruffudd 饰)一掷千金,雇用拥有丰富洞穴探险经验的弗兰克(Richard Roxburgh 饰)及其团队对这里进行勘查。转眼之间几个月过去,伊萨·阿拉的勘探虽然颇见成效,但
简介:A spoiled young girl is forced to tag along with her mom on a medical mission in Tarlac. There she meets a young man from a different world who shows
简介:Six months on, Ted (Jane) and Amanda (Chamoun) investigate a bizarre local murder and an exotic drug ring, whilst Amanda tangles with an old enemy and